Mindfulness is not a practice that takes place only as you sit for meditation. Mindfulness is a way of being, an attitude, a mindset. Mindfulness is being present. Mindfulness is being awake to the unfolding of your life. Mindfulness is the experience of seeing, knowing and being.
In meditation, you go inside to meet yourself. When practicing mindfulness, you are aware, awake and open to the present moment.
Seven attitudes establish the foundation for mindfulness. These foundational mindsets are non-judging, non-striving, patience, beginner’s mind, trust, acceptance and letting go. Practicing mindfulness develops these abilities; exercising these abilities develops mindfulness. Circular logic? Absolutely. For who can say where the foundation ends and the mindfulness begins? These attitudes intertwine and reinforce each other; they provide the energy needed to unlock the power of mindfulness. The daily practice of these attitudes enables us to release anger, envy, fear, greed, shame and bitterness – while creating love, kindness, compassion, peace, joy and understanding.
Go inside. Breathe. Accept. Let go. Trust. Be patient. Release judging and striving. See yourself with beginner’s eyes. Be mindful.
Be still and know.